Unlock fee waivers and complimentary trading tools with iOCBC

Save on fees and unlock bonus trading tools designed to give you an edge


Stay updated with real-time price feeds from major global markets, all at your fingertips.

United States

Complimentary access to US live prices in the next calendar month when you execute at least one successful trade in the US market in the current month.
Terms and Conditions apply.

Hong Kong

Access HK real-time market prices in the next calendar month when you generate a minimum of S$300 in brokerage in the HK market in the current month.
Terms and Conditions apply.


Access AU real-time market prices in the next calendar month when you generate a minimum of S$300 in brokerage in the AU market in the current month.
Terms and Conditions apply.


Complimentary access to Malaysia live prices in the next calendar month when you execute at least one successful trade in the MY market in the current month.
Terms and Conditions apply.

United Kingdom

Complimentary access to UK live prices in the next calendar month when you execute at least one successful trade in the UK or US market in the current month.
Terms and Conditions apply.

Important Notes

These services are only applicable to the iOCBC Mobile and Online Trading platforms for equities. Excludes Futures and Forex platforms and trading.


Enjoy cost-saving benefits that let you focus on your trades, not on extra fees.

Waiver of foreign share custody fees

Receive a waiver on foreign share custody fees when you make at least 2 trades every month, or 6 trades every 3 months.

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Waiver of Handling Fees

Get a waiver on handling fees for SGX securities held with OCBC securities.

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Make informed trades with monthly market updates and real-time stock alerts.

Market Data Promotions

Get complimentary access to US, HK, AU, MY and UK live prices.

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Monthly complimentary access to StockReports+ and market statistics

Enjoy complimentary access to StockReports+ and market statistics when you maintain:

  • S$300 in brokerage or more each month through online trades, or
  • S$600 every 2 months, or
  • S$900 every 3 months

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iOCBC trading platform stock alerts

  • Get 30 free daily alerts if you maintain S$900 or more in brokerage through online trades every 3 months, or 
  • Get 50 free alerts each month if you make at least 1 online trade every 3 months

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