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Futures and FX - Currency Conversion

Currency Conversion
  • Deficit balances

    We do not auto-convert your deficit currency in your trading account. To do a conversion with your other available funds in the trading account, you would need to call our dealers by 5pm, Singapore time, to obtain a quote of the conversion rate and if the rate is acceptable to you, you may then request OCBC Securities to proceed with the conversion.

    Nevertheless, we reserve the right, without prior notification to you, to convert any of the funds to the relevant currency for the purpose of offsetting any deficit equity balance in your account.

  • Capital / exchange control currencies

    You need to consider the capital control on the currencies as imposed by certain countries (e.g. Malaysia, Thailand, Korea, Indonesia etc.) before you trade in these markets.

    OCBC Securities reserves the right to convert any of your funds in USD (or any other currencies) to the relevant currency and vice versa for the purpose of offsetting the relevant currency deficit equity balance, any realised losses and for meeting the margin requirements.